Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My friend Allen and I are inventing a card game called "Machuchi". It's a little hard to explain, so I'll just say the what the rules are right now.

Both players have a deck of 15 cards. Both players shuffle their deck and place
it face down. (See diagram) Both players draw 5 cards from the pile. The younger player goes first. At the beginning of your turn you may put as many cards as you want and can fit in your evolution pile. At the end of your turn you have to put a card face-down in the attack pile. This action ends your turn. (See Battle)

(Battle not finished yet)
(Diagram not finished yet)

Monday, September 15, 2008

Little Robots Made of Computer Parts

In the entry before the entry before the last entry (August 23) I said I am interested in taking apart computers. Now not only am I doing that, I'm making little robots out of the pieces. here is a picture of the one that I made with the computer I started to take apart on August 23:

I named it 503 because on the little yellow tag on the head it says KD503. I made another one that looks a lot like it but I gave it to my friend. There's also this one that isn't very good and is missing a piece. Here's a picture of it:

I'm Sorry

I'm really sorry that I haven't made any blog entries since August the 26, and if you are a very very patient person and you are actually reading this, then I would like it if you posted a comment to this entry saying your email address so I may inform you when I start blogging again. Thank you.