I just got back from San Miguel de Allende. We were sortof walking around, driveing, playing, and eating all day. It was fun when we were driveing around because we were in a minivan and I was sitting in the middle and Cesi an Arturo were sitting in the back. Arturo is four and Cesi is a little older than Arturo. One of Arturo's favorite games is where I move my fist around and he tries to catch it in his hat. When he does catch my fist, I wiggle it around and say "Es oscuro!" and "Tengo miedo" until my fist gets away from the hat. In case you were wondering, "Es oscuro" means "It's dark" and "tengo miedo" means I'm scared. We ate at a really good restraunt for comida. I had pasta with a cream sause and bacon. We also ate some ice cream from an ice cream stand at one of the plazas. It had the weirdest flavors! Octopus, cactus, rice, things like that. I ended up just getting lemon. The ice cream and the cones were homemade, as is almost everything else in Mexico. Here is a picture of me playing with Arturo:

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