Merry Christmas everybody!
I'm sorry I didn't make an entry yesterday, I was on Christmas vacation. Anyway, some of the things I would have said yesterday are that we had bacon and scrambled eggs for breakfast, and of course we also had cinnamon rolls. Then we opened or stockings and under-the-tree presents, and at the end of the day we had a lovely Christmas dinner at our friends house.
This is what we made with the Zome that Brian sent us.
And if you are wondering what Zome is, the I suppose the briefest explanation I could give would be that it's kind of like tinker toys.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Survey Answer
And the answer to my favorite food is.........
And by the way, if you happen to figure out who voted Blue Mice with Curly Hair, can you please comment.
And by the way, if you happen to figure out who voted Blue Mice with Curly Hair, can you please comment.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Quiet Christmasy Day
Well to day I got up and had spiced pecan oatmeal, ran around outside checking for heavy equipment going, and was just about to go in when I saw this big white thing that was towering above the trees shift. Of course, being the crazy heavy equipment watching maniac in my family, I had to investigate. I think that I couldn't have run any faster then I did just then, but it was worth panting like a Great Dane getting to the sight that met my eyes then. The huge white vehicle was an enormous driller machine, with a blade thicker than dad's body. It would drill down into the ground, and when it pulled it's oversized drill bit out of the ground it would be filled up with bits of dirt and ground up rock. They would then run it backwards and all the dirt and stuff would come off in a whirlwind and pile up on the ground next to the hole. Once the hole was deep enough, the driving guy drove the driller out of the way. It is so cool to watch those humongous tracks going! When the Drill thingy had finished parking, a big ol' crane came in and lowered a huge metal pole into the hole the drill thingy had just finished making. Then they took it away and brought in a cement truck. Those guys sure don't waste any time! I wached them pouring the cement in the gaps bettween the pole and the sides of the hole for a while, and then whent back home. I played with the electric train for a while, and had a pretty quiet rest of my day, but all in all, I think my title is kind of false.

Monday, December 15, 2008
Hot Potatoes and Other Things
Our family goes to Spanish church in the morning, and after the singing, the kids usually go out to the park, and yesterday at the park Ruth and Deahndra and I played lots of fun games. First we played "Would you rather", and then we played something dad would never let us do, we call it "obstacle course", and you play it by climbing around on the play structure the hardest possible way.
Not to fall off.
Oh, and since it's in the title, I should probably say that we also played hot potato.
Not to fall off.
Oh, and since it's in the title, I should probably say that we also played hot potato.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Demolishing Saturday
My day today started out with me going into Ruth's room and us playing around and reading our student-authored books, making fun of their immense stupidity and utter terribleness. For breakfast mom made (homemade) doughnuts, and they were super duper yummy, as always, but she didn't put any potatoes in them this time, her sympathy for her fellow vegetables prevailing over her possibly unkind actions. Right after breakfast I went out to watch heavy equipment, and I somehow ended up watching the little tiny buldozy-tracktory-lodery thingy knocking down one of or neighbors' walls with Pheobe, I don't recall how she joined me, but I definitely remember our argument on weather we should stop watching and go inside or keep watching. Some events I choose not to mention because of the dad-getting-mad risk followed that, and I ended up watching the little tiny buldozy-tracktory-lodery thingy doing some more demolishing, this time along side my friends John and Nicholas. After what seemed like a short period of watching, John ans Nicholas' dad said that they had to go buy a Christmas tree with him, two seconds after we got to see the porch get knocked down. John was very disappointed that he didn't get to see the water heater get squished and put in the dumpster. A little bit after they left, (or maybe it was quite a while, my sense of time can get slightly limited while I am watching heavy equipment) the driving guy got out and went in the porta-potty for a poopy break. I decided to go home for a poopy break, too, and a few minutes after I returned to the demolishing site, the driving guy came out of the porta-potty and started driving the little tiny buldozy-tracktory-lodery thingy again. Eventually, he squished the water heater and put it in the dumpster. A few minutes later, John and Nicholas arrived. John was a bit put out!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Heavy Equipment Hunt
Today Dad and Ruth and I went up to Westmont and looked around for any heavy equipment that was demolishing stuff that got burned by the fire. We saw this big drilly thingy that wasn't going, and a bunch of other cool stuff that weren't going, and the stuff that was going wasn't doing anything very interesting. But when we got back from Westmont, we saw some COO-OOL stuff. Here's some pictures I took:

Cool, huh? Well, mom was wakling home from work when she saw a little loader demolishng someone's house, so she called dad on her cell phone and told him about it. Dad told me about it, so I'm off to see it, so that means that this entry is OVER!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
More Paper Vehicles
The last "paper vehicle" I made at the Art From Scrap workshop was a biggish spaceship that I pretended was a freighter and named Freitey.
At the rental house I made a tank later to be named Tanky Red. The only materials I had at the rental house were a newspaper, pipe cleaners, and dental floss. Yet Tanky Red turned out pretty good. Then dad got a roll of red tape and I made Tanky Red stronger and, well, RED!
Oh, and I also made a missile launcher.
At the rental house I made a tank later to be named Tanky Red. The only materials I had at the rental house were a newspaper, pipe cleaners, and dental floss. Yet Tanky Red turned out pretty good. Then dad got a roll of red tape and I made Tanky Red stronger and, well, RED!
Oh, and I also made a missile launcher.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Paper Vehicles (Contenued)
So, as I said in my last entry, I have recently started making small toy vehicles and pretending they're alive, giving them names, and playing pretending games with them. I got started on this idea last Saturday (not the day before yesterday, the Saturday before that.) at the Art From Scrap workshop.
Art From Scrap is this store that sells little pieces of junk that could be used for art. Every Saturday there is a "Workshop" that is at Art From Scrap, where you can go into this room and there are little bits of scrap that you can make art out of, and tape and glue guns and things.
When we went there last Saturday, I made a tank out of a strawberry container, toilet paper tubes, and caps for small containers. I covered it in green tape to make it look more camouflaged. I gave this "Paper Vehicle" the name Tanky Green, but Ruth and I like to just call him "Tanky", or "Tanky G." for short.
When I was at Art From Scrap's workshop I also made a little spaceship that was very small compared to the rest of my "Paper Vehicles". I didn't know what most of the materials I used were, but some of them were marker caps, tubes, and a cork. This one, I think, is my favorite, but I'm not sure why. I named it Vroomy.
I made more, and I'll continue to tell you about them later, I have to eat breakfast.
Art From Scrap is this store that sells little pieces of junk that could be used for art. Every Saturday there is a "Workshop" that is at Art From Scrap, where you can go into this room and there are little bits of scrap that you can make art out of, and tape and glue guns and things.
When we went there last Saturday, I made a tank out of a strawberry container, toilet paper tubes, and caps for small containers. I covered it in green tape to make it look more camouflaged. I gave this "Paper Vehicle" the name Tanky Green, but Ruth and I like to just call him "Tanky", or "Tanky G." for short.
When I was at Art From Scrap's workshop I also made a little spaceship that was very small compared to the rest of my "Paper Vehicles". I didn't know what most of the materials I used were, but some of them were marker caps, tubes, and a cork. This one, I think, is my favorite, but I'm not sure why. I named it Vroomy.
I made more, and I'll continue to tell you about them later, I have to eat breakfast.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Paper Vehicles
I have recently started making small toy vehicles and pretending they're alive, giving them names, and playing pretending games with them. I will continue this post later, I'm really sorry, but I have to leave.
Back in Our House!!!
We have just started unpacking our bags and moving back into our house! We're planning to sleep in our house after 24 days of living in Other Places.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Woofy Doogie Park
Yesterday we went to a park by the beach we like to call the "Dog Walking" park, because the only people we see besides ourselves whenever we go over there are walking their dogs. When I'm being silly or trying to annoy Ruth I sometimes call it the "Woofy Doogie" park. There are lots of great trees to climb on, and one of my favorites we like to call the lichen tree, because on the higher branches there is lots and lots of lichen growing in big tufts. The dog walking park is right next to the beach, and there's this one place where you can climb a tree on the edge of the cliff and see the ocean, the beach, the mountains, and the valley.
You're up so high that the ocean and its waves look like the waves are breaking in slow motion. You can see so much beach, and the people that are on it just look like little dots. That particular beach has some pretty big waves, and my mom spotted some people surfing on them. It was fun watching them, because usually when they caught a wave the would fall off at some point in their ride, and who doesn't like to see that?
You're up so high that the ocean and its waves look like the waves are breaking in slow motion. You can see so much beach, and the people that are on it just look like little dots. That particular beach has some pretty big waves, and my mom spotted some people surfing on them. It was fun watching them, because usually when they caught a wave the would fall off at some point in their ride, and who doesn't like to see that?
Survey, Background, and Sorry
I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while, it's just that I haven't really gotten around to it. Do you like my background? Please vote on that survey I put up!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Survey Winner
It was a tie between "your likes and dislikes", "friends and family's likes and dislikes", and "more options". They drew straws, and "more options" was the winner!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
More Rocky Beach
Yesterday we took walk on the rocky beach again, and I forgot to mention my "Spaceman Spiff" game in my last entry. Well, The Courageous Spaceman Spiff is this guy that I was pretending to be, and he was tracking the Zoragous Zargs (Mom, Dad, and Ruth) to their headquarters in the last entry. He had to stay hidden by dodging and jumping along the lava islands at the edge of the lava-pit (the tide pools at the edge of the ocean) to avoid getting spotted by the evil gaze of the Zoragous Zargs. this time, I had already tracked the Zoragous Zargs to their headquarters, spied
on them and recorded some information, and I was trying to get back to base. It is really a fun game, especially if you pretend that all water is lava and you have to jump from rock to rock to survive.
on them and recorded some information, and I was trying to get back to base. It is really a fun game, especially if you pretend that all water is lava and you have to jump from rock to rock to survive.
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Rocky Beach at Low Tide
We went to that beach I mentioned earlier, and it was really low tide, too. There were some great tide pools, we saw bright purple and orange starfish, chitons, anemones, mussels, a crab, shellfish, and a beautiful sunset.
Chitons are these creatures that don't really move, and if they move at all, they move very slowly. click on the word "Chitons" to go to the Wikipedia article. the Orange starfish we saw was bigger then the purple one, and they seemed to be hugging, sort of. they were on this rock that had so many mussels, you couldn't see any rock.
Mom saw this little crab crawling among the anemones, but Ruth and I didn't spot it in time. Ruth and I like to poke the anemones' tentacles so that they curl up into a tight little cylinder. there were also these teeny tiny shellfish that are fun to pick off the rocks and tap.
There was a GRAND sunset, and with the waves crashing on the rocks, the towering cliffs, and the sun's last rays reflecting on the water, I wished that I had a camera with me, or at least a sketch pad.
Chitons are these creatures that don't really move, and if they move at all, they move very slowly. click on the word "Chitons" to go to the Wikipedia article. the Orange starfish we saw was bigger then the purple one, and they seemed to be hugging, sort of. they were on this rock that had so many mussels, you couldn't see any rock.
Mom saw this little crab crawling among the anemones, but Ruth and I didn't spot it in time. Ruth and I like to poke the anemones' tentacles so that they curl up into a tight little cylinder. there were also these teeny tiny shellfish that are fun to pick off the rocks and tap.
There was a GRAND sunset, and with the waves crashing on the rocks, the towering cliffs, and the sun's last rays reflecting on the water, I wished that I had a camera with me, or at least a sketch pad.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy thanksgiving everybody! I hope you all are as thankful as I am this year. Here's a list of a teeny fraction of the things that I'm thankful for:
1.My knowledge of Christ
2.My family
3.That our house didn't burn down
4.Bottomless bags*
8.Coffey Cake**
9.The ability to be thankful!
2.My family
3.That our house didn't burn down
4.Bottomless bags*
8.Coffey Cake**
9.The ability to be thankful!
*:I got this little bag at school, and it's surprising how much stuff I can fit in it, so I like to call it a bottomless bag.
**:My mom (or Nana, I'm not sure) is making it right now, and it smells great!
**:My mom (or Nana, I'm not sure) is making it right now, and it smells great!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Moving Sandbags
The day before yesterday my grandparents came over and started Thanksgiving-visiting us, and yesterday Papa (That's what Ruth and I call our grandfather on Mom's side) and Dad got a big enormous pickup truck and brought LOTS of sandbags to our neighborhood. Papa rented an excavator and started digging big-ol' diches everywhere to prevent flooding. they also made big walls out of the sandbags; you should have seen it Ruth, Nana, (that's what we call our grandmother on Mom's side) and I were in the pickup truck, Ruth and Nana tying the sandbags, me putting them in reach of people on the ground, and Dad, Papa, and Mom bringing them down the driveway. It was quite an assembly line.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Some Funny Gadgets
As you probably noticed, Ive added some fun little gadgets to my blog, like that survey thing and the reactions. Well, like I said, blogging at school can be a little annoying at times, and David is sitting right next to me pocking me and yelling ANDY'S ON MYSPACE!!, so I think I'll stop.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Riding Bikes to Spanish Church
We just got back from Spanish Church; on or bikes of course, but here's the neat thing: MOM came, too! (On her bike!) O.K., it's not that impressive that we had an 8-mile round trip to church and back, it's just that this is something like the longest ride mom has ever been on. We were pretty proud of her, even though we had to leave early so that we could get there on time.
Friday, November 21, 2008
A Refreshing Bike Ride and a Substitute
We can ride bikes from or new rental house to school, and it's a nice ride, too! Riding bikes from our normal house is easy as long as you just ride there, and Dad tows the bikes back on his Xtracycle, but on the way back it's a very hard climb. Anyway, the ride from the rental house is pretty much all a long, strait, flat bike path along the beach, with one little hill. the sun was about a centimeter up over the horizon when I was riding down the bike path, and it was very pretty. The birds like to hang out (and poop) in this one particular place, and It smells pretty bad. Oh, and we have a substitute, today; Mrs. Larsen again.
Beach Fun and Rental House
Yesterday we went to the beach that we can walk to from our new rental house, and it is the rockiest beach I have ever been to. It was almost completely high tide; completely high tide meaning the bottom few steps that lead down to the beach being underwater at all times. Those bottom few steps are made out of solid concrete, yet they are eroded so much that it seems like they were meant to be some kind of crude ramp.
We walked down the stretch of rocks and sand that was above water for a little ways, until we got to this rock formation that was right on the brink of the waves. Mom sat on a slightly chair-shaped rock that was more away from the water and read her book. Ruth and I went to play on the semi-underwater rocks.
We had a great time, collecting interesting rocks, shells, bones, skeletons,and seaweed, storing them up on a tall rock that was sort-of an island. We also explored the tide pools that were just forming, by that I mean that if you wade quickly out and climb up on one of them with the correct timing, you might make it without getting knocked off your feet by an oncoming wave.
Our favorite tide pool rock was this very pretty one that was almost always a few inches underwater, and whenever a wave came, it would get covered by an extra layer of foam, which tickles your feet. All in all I'm exited that there is such an entertaining beach that we can walk to from or rental house, because I am still looking for things to do over here.
We walked down the stretch of rocks and sand that was above water for a little ways, until we got to this rock formation that was right on the brink of the waves. Mom sat on a slightly chair-shaped rock that was more away from the water and read her book. Ruth and I went to play on the semi-underwater rocks.
We had a great time, collecting interesting rocks, shells, bones, skeletons,and seaweed, storing them up on a tall rock that was sort-of an island. We also explored the tide pools that were just forming, by that I mean that if you wade quickly out and climb up on one of them with the correct timing, you might make it without getting knocked off your feet by an oncoming wave.
Our favorite tide pool rock was this very pretty one that was almost always a few inches underwater, and whenever a wave came, it would get covered by an extra layer of foam, which tickles your feet. All in all I'm exited that there is such an entertaining beach that we can walk to from or rental house, because I am still looking for things to do over here.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fire, Fire, Fire
Well, these days there's not much to write about, unless you count driving around and talking to insurance agents, and I don't. I'll have some more pictures soon, maybe.
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's "air quality warning day" today, so we're not allowed to be outside for recess and for some unknown reason. The computer that I'm using right now has a little sticker on it that says "AZTEC", and I think- Ops!; End of recess=end of post.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Fire and Staying at a Friend's House
As you probably know, there was a fire up in my neighborhood, and it burned 14 houses, but thankfully not ours. It was interesting, because or neighbors' houses on both sides of us were burned by the fire. We're staying with friends from Spanish Church. (And actually the dad is the pastor!) It's a very, well.. active house, with a 3-year-old (Elias) and a well-trained but energetic dog (Boomer).
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Poison Oak
I got some really bad poison oak yesterday, so my posts won't be very long for a while; sorry.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Day at the Beach
OK, maybe not a day, but about three and a half hours, or something like that. It was grand!! Ruth and I didn't catch any good waves for the first hour or so, therefore our sandcastle spirits were aroused. I played a game where I would make a sandcastle really close to the water, and then I would make it bigger and bigger until the tide came in and start washing it away. then I would make a long, thin stretch of sandcastle that would provide an evacuation route for the sandcastle people who lived in my sandcastle. After I completed my evacuation route I would start making a sand castle connected to it that would be bigger than the sandcastle that was, at that moment, getting washed away by the waves. I actually ended up doing that sequence all over again when the tide rose some more. After about 2 hours had past since we arrived at the beach, and a double tornado/meteor shower had destroyed Sandcastle III, Ruth and I caught some waves. the water wasn't actually that cold. (With wet suits on, of course.)
Some Funny Cartoons I Found
For this one you have to know your history a little; if you have questions just comment.
Pavlov Dog Cartoon
Are you a fan of Microsoft?
It's ironic that I should put this on my blog.
Pavlov Dog Cartoon
Are you a fan of Microsoft?
It's ironic that I should put this on my blog.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Some of the kids at my school can be very strange sometimes. One of the reasons I don't like posting during my free time over here is that the moment my fingers touch the keyboard kids like David will start shouting at the top of thei lungs "ANDY'S ON MYSPACE" even though the shcool fiter blocks it.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy November!
I hope all you readers out there are having a good start of the month. As far as the weather goes, it's been nice around here; we've been getting some nicer temperatures, a few light rains, and a few strong breezes. School has been pretty good on average this year, and for this month (only today so far) the average, I'd say, was better then the yearly one, or maybe about the same. Well, I'm off to play in some leaves, so that's all for now.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Afternoon+Trick-or-Treating
More Halloween
We're all ready for the night; we've got our pumpkins carved and the bike lights* charged, our costumes ready, and the tricks** and treats in bowls and waiting.
OK, you want to hear about the * and the **, right?
Well, I put the star next to "bike lights" because I didn't think you used bike lights instead of candles in your Jack-o-Lanterns. But hey, don't laugh! We're getting to the modern times, and at least I'm not using a plastic pumpkin.
The ** was next to tricks because we're actually going to have the option of tricks this Halloween. (e.g. little parachute guys, bubbles etc.)
OK, you want to hear about the * and the **, right?
Well, I put the star next to "bike lights" because I didn't think you used bike lights instead of candles in your Jack-o-Lanterns. But hey, don't laugh! We're getting to the modern times, and at least I'm not using a plastic pumpkin.
The ** was next to tricks because we're actually going to have the option of tricks this Halloween. (e.g. little parachute guys, bubbles etc.)
Happy Halloween everybody! I finished my fried egg costume yesterday, It turned out pretty good. Well, I have to leave for school, I might post another entry later.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Newspaper and Costume Making
I have started making a series of newspapers each day called the AndyRoom Times. I think that pretty soon I will be putting them on my blog, also. We're going to start making my fried egg costume for Halloween this afternoon.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Bike Riding
I just got back from a marvelously exquisite, refreshing and mystifying bike ride. (OK, maybe I exaggerated a bit, but it was still grand.) We went up through a college to Mountain drive, and at the stretch at the top there is this squiggly in all dimensions. It's so high, out-of-the-way, squiggly and cliff-like that it is a very unpopular road among cars, which makes it even more popular among bikes. There were some outstanding views, and at our turn-around point there was this person's mailbox that was the shape of a person with big glasses riding his bike. Can you guess where you put the mail in? Leave a comment with your answer.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Family Reunion July 2002
Here's some pictures I took of our photo album we made after we had our family reunion in 2002.
It was a long road trip.

The aquarium

Glass Beach

Redwood Forest

Picking blueberries

And eating them.
Blue eye!
My cousin Ben
Come see my sandcastle!
I'm the sandcastle queen!
Mom reading Ruth, Ben, and me a book called La La La
Playing in the woods

The lighthouse!
Aunt Liz's bug

Playing with a pink thingy

Flying a kite

Making crafts
My doogie machine!
Dad and Great Gran (Great Gran is my great-grandmother)
Dad makes a speech
Examining grandma's treasures
GRAND zip line!

Hmm... I wonder if Ben is having fun.
Swinging on Grandma's bench swing
Bye-bye Ben!
The museum
Deadly lions!


The aquarium
Glass Beach
Redwood Forest
Making crafts
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